Entries by admin

Terreno South

Property Type: Open Lots <ul> <li>Property Type: Condominium/Resort</li> <li>Price Range: </li> <li>Location: Lipa</li> <li>Unit Size: 120 – 250sqm</li> <li>Site Details: </li> </ul> Terreno South redefines Lipa residential landscape by preserving thousands of mature trees currently present onsite which allows for a 1:1 House to Tree ratio, where in each lot for sale will have an […]

Rediscovering Mactan’s Timeless Allure

By: Amy R. Remo – Reporter / @amyremoINQ Some travel destinations will fondly linger in one’s memories. Such are the getaways that have given you a relaxing haven, a peaceful respite that never lost its luster no matter how many times you’ve been there in the past—and which, it seems, only gets better every time […]